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Feed of @yi

Local Native

@yi %YMQxZaOcKxWoocm4mvWJQEot/rYT/hcbPFGtuXyujYI=.sha256


The year 2021 has come and gone, and Local Native project has made solid progress in the past year:

  • The biggest achievement is the release of our cross-platform desktop based on the iced framework.

  • We also updated the localnative_core dependency.

  • We have also released an iced GUI tutorial based on this codebase.

  • We learned early PR commits were not well conformed, which caused some difficulties in organizing them when writing the summary.

For more details on the changes, please see below:

New Features

  • # Released a cross-platform desktop version based on iced, supporting Linux, macOS, and Windows platforms
  • # Added cargo xtask ndkbd to simplify compiling localnative_core to Android platform


  • # Fixed app crash issue on Android 11 and newer.
  • # Fixed the bug that prevents sharing note from browser for the Android platform.
  • # Fixed the problem that on android platform SQLite database can't be accessed correctly due to the creation of temporary files.

Internal enhancement

  • # Update localnative_core dependency version
  • # Added xtask project to provide cross-platform scripting
  • # Better error handling, refactoring of localnative_core
@yi %omn36Bfgehb8uzutKiVpJD8uunt5mB9pvi75J+73T1U=.sha256
Voted ![tim-mossholder-m4qXRqi-EZI-unsplash.jpg](&00iPa8URcs0LUjAq1GVyMTo9SCFfbr
@yi %6UAGq++7p6eFI+0g097mWriQbWZBCj18RCsvBcgAZnM=.sha256
Voted ## Manyverse 0.2111.11-beta ✅ Bug fix: fix replication getting stuck betw
@yi %eFMNpjvsCFWkab879R/I1KyFoFi4ncCuFQ4Zh1yd3kM=.sha256


This is the first version of Local Native Rust GUI desktop application (iced implementation).

  • We finally support Windows!
  • macOS release is still in dmg format.
  • Appimage build has some issue.
@yi %Hg/mkDlZo3VZisklvfQo6STo4kNXCuC0q6wyKKXjdlU=.sha256
Voted When my main computer was a MacBook, I used [Timing](
@yi %XhD3RiFDuUXU6mu/gYTxTDKdvCIspigL51WR+FQwbUs=.sha256
Voted # Local Native v0.5.0 Electron and Mobile Release ![ankush-minda-TLBplYQvq
@yi %id0Pc4dyIDvOqCMEZmfnXzA9JlfgwytI5XP0Ntba/AA=.sha256

Local Native v0.5.0 Electron and Mobile Release


Local Native v0.5.0 Electron release (appimage, dmg) should mark as the last version of Electron code.

Local Native iOS & iPadOS app and Android app also updated their localnative_core code, which

  • fixed syncing issue
  • removed unused ssb table in database,
  • and made upgrades to underlying Rust libraries.
@yi %8zLr87fHouU44TCzqdSa6oQLVzZiwpOD1e2xkPqqHKI=.sha256
Did a git update in repo localnative
  • feat: add localnative_druid
  • feat: add localnative_iced
  • feat: upgrade rust dependencies
  • fix: downgrade neon for mac
  • feat: upgrade election versions
  • feat: update neon
  • fix: update linked_hash_set
@yi %f5vRa6tOPlUoGh5ywrIcXr516ThsbogmIRGIW1o+dcE=.sha256
Voted # Local Native @ Rust NYC 2019 September Meetup I've given a talk at [Rust
@yi %oivsSqi4LfbtbDL/zA1wG2J6020OuPrH2ciT4pOSW5E=.sha256
Voted # Local Native @ Rust NYC 2019 September Meetup I've given a talk at [Rust

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