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@Dominic %MVPPi7U0EqXqDPvc4EZVi8U0m7dfPOfDKgu1sASa930=.sha256
Re: %Hxr3rmchF

@Matt it's faster, and heap is down to 83 mb, but not as fast as minbay!

@Dominic %wr0QegBF+QT3U7l1jK0TbQJBOvzmsCu3Xxyxe5Je0Qo=.sha256
Re: %Hxr3rmchF

@matt it will be fairly easily be able to add this technique to patchcore, since you are already using flumeview-reduce. I'll try it though

@Dominic %a6oOq6RtUHQIGzZoWBOKn3tYddwIsHx+tsM4R1P25bI=.sha256
Re: %Hxr3rmchF

I've been using minbase. I kept going back to patchbay@6 at 69154865d7116475dc8be434871ea8f6011f18c4 because it had better git-ssb support, but then I realized it used much less resources. minbay is a little bit more minimal, and uses even less, plus someone else is maintaining it. (a big plus! it's hard/stressful to work on the scuttlebot/backend and maintain a UI)

But my goal here is to get patchwork, patchbay@7 to prioritize a lighter architecture. We'll need that to be viable on phones, anyway.

@Dominic %gJ4ELu9oKzKaBGjRc6MUokRBZHacPx24teaeORB1xhA=.sha256
Re: %Hxr3rmchF

@ev what did it do? oh i forgot some stuff, put scuttlebot on the log_stream branch. and minbase on the flumeview-reduce branch. That should work I think. But, try that, then describe what is happening if it doesn't work.

Most of the work is rethinking how a UI should process and represent views, so it's probably not something we should rush into production.

@Dominic %iTP4EA/eNdXlCs4nNrJL+X6v7b0CvnoykldVVkMwrow=.sha256
Re: %Hxr3rmchF

But the biggest improvement is on the profile pages - these were previously very heavy, well, they are still heavier than /public because of all the avatars that get shown, but now when you open the page, all the friends will be there already. They don't stream in, they are already there!

To run this, you'll need to have ssb-friends@2.1.0 and ssb-signs@1.0.0 (installed as plugin) make sure you have flumeview-reduce@1.3.1 and for a little bit extra, run this branch of secure-scuttlebutt:

@Dominic %Hxr3rmchFXw/Vhm3CMTB5naDGzdToSemn803QT8wkdY=.sha256

I've been working on moving replicating flumeview-reduce indexes into the cilent.

Using minbay, since it's already the lightest, it now loads this fast!


It uses more memory, but it causes scuttlebot to use less_, so that balances out. (before opening min/patchbay would cause sbot to load 300mb!) now it sits at 141mb, after loading minbay. Also, I just hacked up the minbay bits, so this can probably be improved.

@Dominic %Mc7B4Tr8ZMB+Aryoi9Rz++fCCkhOgg5IdhUA4nKT5Pw=.sha256
Re: %gW2wa3/NP

the recompiling is standard npm behaviour (!!!) it'll disappear when we get over to sodium-native though

@cel %6BNHMV4xiYCImDx/GbUyalnKSvVzyT6Usq7Afi2osV0=.sha256
Re: %K0goMTxr9

@Kodo which ssb client were you using to post messages %O3lMuIA..., %bj88Tyg...? they seem to have the wrong message root set which i would like to debug

@cel %K0goMTxr9mX+sGCuk56fhakOwXxAheI4rOkk/7nW1Ik=.sha256
Re: %8v5x2zBoo

probably minbay is trying to load ssb-ws but you already have ssb-ws installed as a user-plugin. edit ~/.ssb/config and change plugins.ssb-ws to something falsy - that will disable the user-plugin and let just minbay load the ssb-ws plugin. can also use sbot plugins.disable ssb-ws if you have sbot running.

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