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CSS/UI/UX Help Wanted for New Scuttlebutt Client

With #tricerascuttler, #scuttlesaurus is no longer just running in the background synchronizing feeds, but presents a front-end to the user.

The UI consist of a few HTML files and a bunch of web components, directly written in JS without any framework. The whole front-end-code is in this folder.

As a look at the UI (such as by accessing my temporarily accessible instance) immediately shows, I'm really not good at this UI stuff. So I'm hoping that somebody with web-design skills and an interest in using modern web technologies might join the project and help create a beautiful and practical browser to the scuttleverse.

Please re-scuttle ;)

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Voted [@farewellutopia](@IX0YhhVNgs9btLPepGlyLpXKvB0URDHLrmrm4yDlD1c=.ed25519) W
@farewellutopia %kw7RZQRMcI4G39tlufn4Nn5oMVNpYIC6KjmtZa7Sm2Y=.sha256

After trying oxygraph, allegrograph and apache jena fuseki yesterday I switched to blazegraph, this seems to be the fasted option so far. Being able to easily switch database and potentially enjoy performance benefits is a main advantage of the #tricerascuttler approach compared to domain specific databases like #ssb-db2.

The page showing the latest posts still takes much longer than the acceptable 400ms. I guess that sorting 400'000 messages in order to take the most recent ones just takes some time.

By contrast, showing the following relations seems surprisingly fast, even though the query to derive them from the messages is quite complex. What could make this even faster is to generate a derived graph with the following relations, so that querying for friends-of-friends would no longer require going through thousands of messages to get the current follow/unfollow status.

The instance at is still there and you're welcome to test it online if you don't yet feel like checking out the repo and starting your own instance with #docker-compose.

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