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@Daan Patchwork %/pmINxbWy9AKR35ToBCzBu0ios9APHqdWo1G8kxGnos=.sha256

By the way, before I dissapear for the weekend (somewhere between Edge and off-grid...) I want to throw something out there that's been keeping my mind occupied the whole week now.

Last weekend, before embarking on the trip home from northern Germany, I went to an actual book store, and stumbled on This Is Not A Drill : An Extinction Rebellion Handbook.

Cover page of "This Is Not A Drill : An Extinction Rebellion Handbook"

I basically swallowed the thing whole on the train back to France, and I have so many thoughts and feels about it. I'm having trouble articulating what really got to me there, but I think it's mostly just the impression of agency that the essays (particularly the second part) give. Most of the contemporary discussions around climate change and any other big issue just feel so constrained by dogmas of the "you can't even debate this kind of measure" kind. The essays in this book really give a different impression, and (for me) that more than makes up for the bleak outlook they give on the future.
Although, it's often not so bleak after all. That's another thing about this book. It may be because many of the essays are sufficiently vague for me to project my wishes onto them, but a lot of the time I found myself in the state of mind that I have while reading #walkaway and such. In the problems we're facing at the moment, there is SO 👏 MUCH 👏 POTENTIAL 👏 for building a better world, it really left me... well... it didn't leave me at all.

Wondering if anyone here has read the collection or any of the essays. I think some of them were published standalone before.

#XR #extinctionrebellion #postcapitalism

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@Irma Pince %jSn3gY+gcDRDtYcT5NexqN2V4ATEHpeJLAT0wEY9EIo=.sha256

Seems like someone put it up on IPFS:

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