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Feed of @Irma Pince
@Irma Pince %fyGoEWDVSEWXoeUJPkdA+sYoWIjwtfD/4HtCINHpaos=.sha256
Followed @Zenna
@Irma Pince %WIHq5FUtz52IiXR8giOm2ap1FSCYjGtVXMBiZYrRwlQ=.sha256
Re: %H1Z9w2inv

And without question #web2ssblog

@Irma Pince %aL7VXQVEiEwjOpjn/mdeRs+KgMVtVDhvEDUr2uxAPuc=.sha256
Re: %H1Z9w2inv

Oh dear, I neglected to indicate the #zettelkasten affiliation of this #archival.

@Irma Pince %H1Z9w2inv5YSaqD4UNwsfRy+vGfovkrK1kl6zhIQVz4=.sha256

Zettelkasten --- How One German Scholar Was So Freakishly Productive

@Irma Pince %jSn3gY+gcDRDtYcT5NexqN2V4ATEHpeJLAT0wEY9EIo=.sha256
Re: %/pmINxbWy

Seems like someone put it up on IPFS:

@Irma Pince %x4+H95OSsvVgsPl6kASM1hDD0KPM8Y3eHQ9lj2oKNb4=.sha256

Fridays for Future treffen Science Fiction: Was ist eigentlich Solarpunk?

@Irma Pince %CwJcRGnZxMdgXGEA0rQ2z59NyL9gBokQzOzAoJJFjBE=.sha256

Welcome to Night Vale Transcripts

@Irma Pince %cLb67KqqUwL0CUWZwXLEYTA8bO0ee3/haqT+3lgsncs=.sha256

140 - A Blood Stone Carol

@Irma Pince %ztRJJJ025JTF77SSB7g0wGUs5DHQxdwZCDfX6wc1FsQ=.sha256

139 - The Birthday of Lee Marvin

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