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@Irma Pince %H1Z9w2inv5YSaqD4UNwsfRy+vGfovkrK1kl6zhIQVz4=.sha256

Zettelkasten --- How One German Scholar Was So Freakishly Productive

@Irma Pince %aL7VXQVEiEwjOpjn/mdeRs+KgMVtVDhvEDUr2uxAPuc=.sha256

Oh dear, I neglected to indicate the #zettelkasten affiliation of this #archival.

@Irma Pince %WIHq5FUtz52IiXR8giOm2ap1FSCYjGtVXMBiZYrRwlQ=.sha256

And without question #web2ssblog

@Daan Patchwork %lC3i6/Te4uLY8RCZWS6U+2Ziodx9tf8eC56R+o4snt0=.sha256

@Daan Patchwork %wpE++fh6Da1TsXT+f8jS6IikPaWw9awvkcR+hpgwimk=.sha256

argh ๐Ÿคฆ

@Daan Patchwork %5hkQW0r4Yh0Pz4uhoC6dIYzfgZhQGc4xz1GePbJxa3s=.sha256

Zettelkasten --- A Replique

This is a test to see if I can reply to a blog post with a blog post.

Spam, spam, spam, eggs, bacon and spam!

@Daan Patchwork %0ka8kv8OFD2HMdl1KALNCsN+tL8lQA8Aw3IlDd2AweA=.sha256

wow... it does show up in my /public feed, but not in the thread view. my goodness, #patchwork's handling of blog messages is messed up ๐Ÿ˜†

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@Daan Patchwork %VeiuOtgOpA7yzzCFvoli6H19NQ2DRx/LJ4lPssi1nLk=.sha256

further debugging here for #oasis:

Image courtesy of the author. [Based]( on a photo by [Patrick Tomasso]( on [Unsplash]( .

link no. 2 was extremely prolific.

@Daan Patchwork %SOaOq7yxvJpvuAY0qNBqy/Ov4SaAZWL1Fh0GBHTDfik=.sha256

okay @Christian Bundy I understand that the markdown of this post is f**ked-up but patchwork renders this just fine. So now it's a question of whether oasis should try to render that too. :P

@Daan Patchwork %xslfTqdj59RTceF6xxVPQA+uqa3KjFJ7O1us/QqOGDw=.sha256

Just to check:

Image courtesy of the author. [Based]( on a photo by [Patrick Tomasso]( on [Unsplash]( .

This still renders in patchwork

@Daan Patchwork %6VEgH8fbVUbHC+6pxwvNyV5mOaHTBcl1v9CaJ2xEUe4=.sha256

Okay got it:


The last bit (the GET param for the contentType) is what confuses oasis.

@Christian Bundy %FtRzxlgF1CsD8K9qPFZ4p3o2t4R4oeKuVaZXX99ZiPs=.sha256


Oh, that query parameter is only understood when SSB-WS is the blob handler, whereas Oasis just displays the actual blob. Hmm. The ever-expanding SSB specification!

@Daan Patchwork %UX/qNekSECsOwxQg6WtUq6nIutyDrhskuZKtm43p/Wc=.sha256

@Christian Bundy the PR I made last night simply ignores those params away...

@Christian Bundy %5qU4dEFAZt+gvAd46gaCBkeCDNdetjV6h4jJJtPx1oQ=.sha256


Just saw (and merged) your pull requests, thanks a bunch! I'm excited to be able to finally read blog messages in Oasis.

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@Daan Patchwork %Ylgu/rftHVm3qD1qRF9NKzP2GNiMxCFKOP1ksOCjGW8=.sha256

ohay @kasp, nice to have you here :)

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@Daan Patchwork %EU0oYjRRiTNIKCJbu5sBFsS0rGj9nOfAigQzN3rh+jQ=.sha256

Any particular reason your sister thinks you need to know about Zettelkasten? Or just a general "get your act together" nudge? :D

Btw your profile picture makes me long for going back to Sweden...

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User has not chosen to be hosted publicly
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@kas %9s9uDx36eNng7G+EHjnnk9ovTxpn6eA/xN7n0o9wdOg=.sha256

๐Ÿ”– #bookmark: #vim-zettel:

@kas %XmSt0hQ1hZdadq2wt6BSxLsxyxx3xE8hXlLNHekDHH0=.sha256

Hmโ€ฆ, I didn't expect the colons to be a part of the tags. Let's try again, this time with RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK:

๐Ÿ”– #bookmark ยป #vim-zettel ยป

@kas %5wK5EawuGqWEApKduO+enBXOw/Ixw7rPSOk1zcuokNw=.sha256

The plot thickens: The colons aren't included in the tags in the original post, only in the list of active channels in #patchwork:



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