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@Daan Patchwork %0/uny4C70rPSwCoWEoLBTu2QQSa/CbGDk9XCCLY94ac=.sha256
Re: %9NXKauuXC

This is great news! ❤️

I think we should really go over the patchwork parity list and see what can be done and in which order. Because mentions and blobs + preview were two big missing items, and the rest seems... doable, from what I can see.
IMHO Oasis is very, very close to becoming the default SSB client, and I'd love to see that happen. 🙂

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@~daan 📟 %xoXCT65ejr6jqlusceIjLh2AEpDi4dfCQeYMkPNi2jQ=.sha256

I'd say both. But we can have a call Friday evening (Europe time) if you'd like, to go over the issues one by one and have an estimate of impact and effort?

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