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@Soapy mcSoap %1nboV/A5KZIOH9PoPLIK7HTbq0h/0ROQgugIrn9zWJg=.sha256

Patchfox can connect to Room 2.0 rooms 😻

This video shows Patchfox connecting to picoroom 2.0. Need to work a bit on the feedback layout but it works!

@Soapy mcSoap %JQfn0Jq+8UaMaXXZFzu/g3jHbo9hlaS0INivGvXoHHs=.sha256

provided whatever server you're using supports it.

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@Soapy mcSoap %dUlj2isezgiRzMUIVpqAhpyxdd/sBSW1T9Hl19vCmnE=.sha256

@andrestaltz📱 it is not a typo, you could read it as "rooms 2.0 room" as in it is connecting to a specific room which runs rooms 2.0, or you can read it as "room 2.0 rooms" as in it can connect to any rooms running room 2.0...

I think it work both ways, but hey, not my language.

@Soapy mcSoap %lmdTMb4Z7eg9IixChiFeNPDvaZxAt4hXlDRBGOM5KWA=.sha256

made it a bit prettier.

@andrestaltz %yw9Sb2jq8M0YsRAhjszk+DYGlXkTVBCIw76xQE+E0jg=.sha256

Really seamless. Very nice!

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