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@Hendrik Peter %1yh3o3s6FOjpI/bdSFhxQKG52NCIKGDrDHmucr8qnFQ=.sha256
Re: %J/KkqlXcI

Okidoki. yeah sure then I'll test around in a bit.
I guess nothing will be official or rollable to other pubs until pull 11 does its merge.

Other related question for you @SoapDog (since you're the author of ssb-msgs) and @mixmix (since you're quite knowledgeable on the subject).

Is there some kind of "spec" of how messages should look? something that checks the content of a messages before it goes further into the ssb-msgs system (and ssb for that sake)?

I could see an abuse case here where you could essentially send a malformed object-type in a (private) message to someone (no-one on the way would be able to see that the message was malformed in case of private) and then have targeted peoples ssb-clients go belly up through runtime errors, "banning" them from using their favorite ssb-client.

The fact that a malformed mentions object popped up might be a nice pointer into the direction that we might wanna have specifications of how different message-types should look or take a look at them.

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