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@mix %3MS64b+lB4Dk5gag8tJKnA+zy8BEQ2cLmyxF06sBKyM=.sha256
Re: %1TVZigDql

hey @mikey I love your ascii designs! It's got me seriously thinking about whether we could do that.

Here's a radical idea - you don't put any of that interface on a web server - you put it all on the buttz. i.e. once a bot has owner(s) established, it just issues status and commands through private messages. This way anyone can build interfaces .... and we're role-modeling apps.

Notice if you go this way, the buttz becomes your easy notification layer if the pub need to tell you anything important has happened.

In reality, a hybrid is probably practical, but perhaps the challenge is what if we built butt-first?

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