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@mix %4YHj84kyYygeL/ViOeVYGtNDuxXTMcqjbWKmcORZQbw=.sha256
Re: %VzxV0Je3i

this was definitely impactful.
The Sun/ Moon lens continues to serve me well. Yesterday I had a really fascinating conversation where my sister and I were clashing in our communication style. She's from a law background and I'm from a hippy programmer swarm. I was trying to manoevre the conversation to exploration with as opposed to a competition of ideas, which is more her academic culture. Once we noticed how different this aspect of our culture was everything made a lot more sense.
Anyway, I this I was feeling Sun being the 'formal' structure of Point / Counterpoint debate, whereas noticing and shared curiousity felt more like a wandering Moon type vibe. Still mulling on that

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