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@mix %VzxV0Je3iaLmWEVCG2KqyvIZzFRwwfFTqXZLeD5at5g=.sha256

Moon apps :waning_crescent_moon:

@Zach and I went for a walk out at Makara this last weekend. It's a quite coastline to the west of #wellington. The coast hosts a wind farm and behind where we're standing you can see the Cook Straight, beyond which is the South Island (the waka of Maui). This is the setting for a slice of conversation about the scuttleverse.


I think I asked Zazh about my Blob Goggles idea - a way to browse the butts by swimming through images, and those leadin gyou towards ontent.

He introduced a lens that has been subtly reshaping the way I'm framing my world. The observation is that most of tha apps in the verse at the moment are sun apps :sunny: . The hallmarks of :sunny: vibe are things like directed action, clear purpose, and rational discourse. You see this manifest in things like gatherings - an app which lets your book a gathering of friends to DO A THING at a specific time, or git-ssb which is about coordinating our CODE PROJECTS, and RECORD ISSUES.

These are great things and very useful. But let's contrast it to something like Pinterest - pinterest definitely does things, but it does them in a very different way. There's a lot more lateral connection and coincidental discovery, it's a place where wandering is the thing. And it's also great. Zach described this as more of a :waning_crescent_moon: vibe.

I Pinterest because it's come up talking with @dominic about 'killer apps' and apps that appeal to people other than Devs. We'd talked about how different the user base of something like Pinterest was (like a lot more women) and wondered "if we build it will they come?"

Zach pointed out to me this was more :sunny: type thinking (to get more women, we should built this thing, then we will causitively access the desired result). His counter was a reframing something like

If we built more :waning_crescent_moon: type apps, this will enable different ways of relating, and exploring. This will empower different people, and help us have richer interactions. The side effect is that this may also be valued by e.g. women.

I can't stop seeing this pattern.


Chess is a :waning_crescent_moon: type app. I come together to just 'hang out' and ostensibly play a game with people. And in this space (where there happens to be a private chat bar), I've got to know people I have not talked to or heard much from in the main feeds.... or I get to know them differently. e.g. I'd not spoken to @frankiebee much, but she's passionate about chess, and this is where we first really spoke (I hope you're ok with me making public a hopefully neutral slice of our conversation frankie). It's specifically in this different space that didn't have action points, goals, that a different dynamic is thriving.

If that feels too abstract perhaps compare and contrast a meeting with minutes, roles, and action points to going out to lunch with friends. Why bother having lunch with people? That's the wrong question. Lunch with friends is generally awesome. But why is it awesome? - doesn't matter, is works right...

I want to build more Moon type apps for #scuttlebutt

@mix %lIspA15XlLa7yRhDnt+xGpU7IdpOAKexbW/30DMkCcc=.sha256

Re: Binary models

If you want talk critique or discuss binary models,
I've made a pre-emptive fork to have that conversation here!

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@mix %z53A6SQkMrPipqNWd6XVxtPQ2h2MyMtVGYTS6S61Pmo=.sha256

totally possible to disable the influence of something like channels on the interface. We call this mode "Sipping from the Firehose" @Alonealastalovedalongthe !

I'm really excited for multiple ways of swimming through things. Sometimes I want structure and organisation and to move fast, sometimes I want to bumble around and find myself in unexplored neighbourhoods I wouldn't have thought to look for. I don't know any other interfaces which let you fluidly move between different modes in such a way.

Reminds me of this game which has 4 dimensions of space and lets you 'rotate' into a different dimension, run in the 4th dimensin direction and then rotate 'back' only to find yourself in a completely different place that you couldn't have found your way to with your stock 3 dimensions.


This video is fantastic :
Game :

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@dan %t7y4x2NwFFhQbpRZ/lP6tUqe8AosX8QkD3ZIeXt/5QU=.sha256

cc: #crab-meet

@dan %lDkjix+JC0S/xf2KJd1wEQEZo/UzQkyenfSlVcrILGY=.sha256

I'd just like to shout out how exciting it is to be in a space (a #cypherspace ) where you can dive back through the body of data and find some of the conversations and influences in development work...

If I had to guess I would say one of the reasons we can see @mix putting some of his energies into creating visual summoning tools ( -> pintrest? ) would be this impactful walk!


:womans_hat: tip to @Zach! for being one such source of conversation tinder and :star2:

@mix %4YHj84kyYygeL/ViOeVYGtNDuxXTMcqjbWKmcORZQbw=.sha256

this was definitely impactful.
The Sun/ Moon lens continues to serve me well. Yesterday I had a really fascinating conversation where my sister and I were clashing in our communication style. She's from a law background and I'm from a hippy programmer swarm. I was trying to manoevre the conversation to exploration with as opposed to a competition of ideas, which is more her academic culture. Once we noticed how different this aspect of our culture was everything made a lot more sense.
Anyway, I this I was feeling Sun being the 'formal' structure of Point / Counterpoint debate, whereas noticing and shared curiousity felt more like a wandering Moon type vibe. Still mulling on that

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@mix %O4EWrF9wqJK/YuhiuWb3hTJ2vvehCbaJO788OPh2dDg=.sha256

@MistyWrites well noticed that Moon energy is often aligned with Femanine energy. I decided to avoid binding the gender to this mode to help (perhaps) some men access it a little more easily :)

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@cel %Bdd+xFg/UtCS7PBazuvDrV4nV4rGKpWAa98fHZQO8rI=.sha256
Voted # Moon apps :waning_crescent_moon: [@Zach](@ZqH7Mctu/7DNInxuwl12ECjfrAKUX2
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