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@mix %CUIbx5htvsl7cnxr+7mkZridFJSOieZjexj2FLHDbLU=.sha256


Here's an idea - browse the butts via blobs (specifically images).

There exist a bunch of blobs on your computer, and a bunch of blobs mentioned by users in messages. I want to see a wall of images, and click on them to go find the context of exciting or cryptic images.

Here's a taster of the vibe

where did these images come from... who posted them, and why... what's the story (or stories) they're a part of. Who is that person, what are they smiling about?

@mix %qgwgC6APY2+LCRCiE2NjXzrDxiMPvcOpttH1nn4tPDs=.sha256

Click on them to jump into a story !

In Patchbay the click-catching needs fixing D: the links are:

blob 1 | blob 2 | blob 3 | blob 4

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@mix %jH9y/HwsGNFb4E/0K9SRlzL17TEvGgHFZQ4OwJBczqM=.sha256

@iain mmm there are a couple of approaches, some combination of them would be good:

  ''&sfoIYo0kKKGI+TJYnznVDSs3BM/HjMWdCPXirvj9BfE=.sha256': [
      msg: "%SkBwBFxgrNjNlu99WkYP16clQqz+GDJfPLAZBtCZ+cc=.sha256"
      author: "@MIX23420934lsdjflksjdf",
      timestamp: 243234243324
    }, {
      msg: "%bJRqChs48WKYni+2caoSvobUTmqnIO03K2KX1hF87do=.sha256"
      author: "@IANsdfakjsd09343xj239",
      timestamp: 324093409834

e.g. this one blob was used in a couple of places by a couple of people at different times. Having this data would let you do interesting sorting and queries. Query by friends, by strangers, maybe add data structure to put a score next to it indicating how much you've engaged with that blob - was it in threads you were active in. This could hep you discover interesting things you missed.

@mix %Lc5CZW5WwELhLdMHVMKBFsKdva6Nnz3KPrZqSsPlKdM=.sha256


  • starts with & => blob
  • starts with % => msg
  • starts with @ => user
@mix %rcM9OFzPan92Xm0jThdfIrpvXQSR2/EKNaZJAXCkI6I=.sha256

In my mind I'm imagining something like

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@mmckegg %C+R2bjX+CFG3CK9BMyMb21tt5N8tpVWtRF66FvCMyVw=.sha256


but it doesn't seem to work in patchwork. Clicking just loads the image in an external browser instead of going to the url you specified.

This is because of:

ssb-markdown wraps all images in <a>, but if you also wrap it in an <a> via markdown, it ends up getting wrapped in two <a>s, but only the inside one will get triggered.

Could be tricky to fix!

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@Jacob %GI3bblXIurUsDF8Whp3CEjKImihu4RVANS0fxSDVQws=.sha256

Nice, didn't realize this, I can browse all my stored blobs with
image-viewer-command .ssb/blobs/sha256/*
4252 of them by now :O

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@mix %TiIkVOPwcjDHv6/YcqOTt041Pgn9182p5LcdHxyz3x8=.sha256

awesome @gmarcos87 where's that code, would be fun to take it for a spin!

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@mmckegg %Ci+qEB98EtPqqIYbBuueB/i8wzFH+E74iD52igwiNco=.sha256


Oh, something that you might be interested in is that it is possible to get a list of all messages that reference a given blob ID using ssb-backlinks.

@mix %tnHioEZrfH1rJAcESI+LXzjzzf+gMzctksF3gTHjpgU=.sha256

hey @gmarcos87 if you wanted to make a dirty plugin module, it's easy to add things to Pathcbay without polluting the main codebase. Anyway if you're interested I'd love to help - I would generally, but in addition I'm just super pumped about jamming on this idea

@mmckegg %ABpnFsvyT0lC/01zfe/5IffTBkOnraHB1qBpjpmD7/8=.sha256

In the latest version of patchwork, you can right click on one of the images above and select "Find Link References", and it will give you a list of all posts that have that blob.

:sparkles: :mag:

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