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@mix %jH9y/HwsGNFb4E/0K9SRlzL17TEvGgHFZQ4OwJBczqM=.sha256
Re: %CUIbx5htv

@iain mmm there are a couple of approaches, some combination of them would be good:

  ''&sfoIYo0kKKGI+TJYnznVDSs3BM/HjMWdCPXirvj9BfE=.sha256': [
      msg: "%SkBwBFxgrNjNlu99WkYP16clQqz+GDJfPLAZBtCZ+cc=.sha256"
      author: "@MIX23420934lsdjflksjdf",
      timestamp: 243234243324
    }, {
      msg: "%bJRqChs48WKYni+2caoSvobUTmqnIO03K2KX1hF87do=.sha256"
      author: "@IANsdfakjsd09343xj239",
      timestamp: 324093409834

e.g. this one blob was used in a couple of places by a couple of people at different times. Having this data would let you do interesting sorting and queries. Query by friends, by strangers, maybe add data structure to put a score next to it indicating how much you've engaged with that blob - was it in threads you were active in. This could hep you discover interesting things you missed.

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