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@mix %z53A6SQkMrPipqNWd6XVxtPQ2h2MyMtVGYTS6S61Pmo=.sha256
Re: %VzxV0Je3i

totally possible to disable the influence of something like channels on the interface. We call this mode "Sipping from the Firehose" @Alonealastalovedalongthe !

I'm really excited for multiple ways of swimming through things. Sometimes I want structure and organisation and to move fast, sometimes I want to bumble around and find myself in unexplored neighbourhoods I wouldn't have thought to look for. I don't know any other interfaces which let you fluidly move between different modes in such a way.

Reminds me of this game which has 4 dimensions of space and lets you 'rotate' into a different dimension, run in the 4th dimensin direction and then rotate 'back' only to find yourself in a completely different place that you couldn't have found your way to with your stock 3 dimensions.


This video is fantastic :
Game :

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