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@Gordon %5ipmWIYplwb00GjtaZYCkiYFjG4iC38o4VRhYKGCQgU=.sha256
Re: %z28ZLyE7O

@masukomi - I value being able to find random people, communities and stuff too (on twitter, reddit, etc.) What if you could still fetch individual messages (via their ID), but just not request the full feed of someone you're not sufficiently close to on the follow graph?

That way, you could still discover new content by following links (either through manually following linked messages and finding new people and groups along the way) and fetching any individual messages you encounter outside your follow graph using ssb-ooo, but someone couldn't just go out and harvest the entire scuttleverse.

That way, a Google-butt could still emerge by crawling messages that are heavily linked to, but preserving the privacy of some 'less heavily connected / public' parts of the social graph.

Or perhaps they could, by finding a way to form friendships with enough random people in the scuttleverse through some incentive 'hey, befriend me for some free vouchers / discounts' - I'm sure there's some tricky scenarios to consider...

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