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@andrestaltz %6aooE1FidY8Bp4yY3LzH1wWOyyMtpRaZL3nt8cUKzM0=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO

@gb I'm sorry for how this feels, and I want to assure you this is not at all personal. I once rejected gmarcos a mobile-ssb-quests proposal and a few weeks later accept the same proposal but under ssbc-grants, because the proposal wasn't good for mobile-ssb-quests but was good for ssbc-grants. Also it's not a statement about your person or your skills, definitely not "strong coder skills" related (I didn't even use those words). Is definitely not a dismissal, it's an adjournment / postponement, the next round is right around the corner, and resubmissions are encouraged. Your proposal didn't pass this round because of clear reasons I wrote above, and nothing else.

I don't gain anything by being an adjudicator. All it does for me is force me to do tricky review work and hear such complaints when a proposal doesn't pass a round. My only motivation is to keep this process fair for everyone. How? By assuring that proposals transparently communicate to the community exactly how those funds will be used and the scope of the work. The Listings proposal did not answer the "How the work will be spread?" answer, it simply said "will work daily", which is not a plan. In all proposals I gave suggestions how to improve, but your proposal had significantly more suggestions for improvement, which could be done next round.

Going forwards, I'm willing to leave @dominic and @mix to vote what to do this time regarding your proposal, I'm not at all holding the final word on this, and in fact I think for the next round we should have another adjudicator.

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