thanks for the offeres @Noms + @epk.
To answer your question epk, a lot will depend on how much money people give, and some of that might depend on what you communicate. This is work that can take as much time as you can give it. I find doing bits of communication regularly (and changing modes to do it) quite taxing, so I feel like this work takes a lot for me. Like ... 30-60 mins every few days, mainly via text, but sometimes doing calls to be able to meet people face to face and spend time, so that they know you actually care.
Things that can help make this work easier:
- having a co-pilot, and splitting up the people who you're tracking / communicating with
- sorting the possible people to support, and being clear about what's too hard / beyond your capacity to be able to support well
- e.g. solving a hard visa problem in 2 months (don't do it)
- e.g. working with someone who needs way more money that you will be able to offer
Are either of you intending to go to ScuttleCamp 2?
I guess I had assumed that those helping with this work would be going, but that's not necessarily a requirement. It's certainly nice to be able to meet people you've built relationships with.