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Diversity / Inclusion / Accessibility > Scuttlecamp

My dream is that Scuttlecamp (and thence the future dreaming of scuttlebutt) is accessible to a wider range of people. I did a bunch of work towards this for Scuttlecamp 1, and for dweb camp.

I would like to support someone to take up this mantle for Scuttlecamp 2

The job looks like asking for money/ support, building communication / relationships with people who might benefit from scholarships, and making sure budgets line up. I am very keen to offer my experience to help someone else learn about and do this work.


Why can't @glyph + @Luandro do this?
They've already taken on a massive role of organisation + care. They don't have capacity to safely take this on as well

Wait is this just boring admin / handing out money?
Haha, no. This is people work (with a minor side of spreadsheets). We recorded some podcasts (part 1, part 2) about the personal impact this work has had on us.
TL;DR it's incredibly rewarding, has built lasting connections, and has led me to learn a lot about myself and the world. I cannot recommend it enough as an opportunity.

Is this hard?
It can be challenging. Remember you won't be alone, you'll have people who've done this work to help you get started, and to offer guidance and support. Hopefully we can get a couple of people to take this on so you'll be doing it as a duo

Next step

If you're keen / interested:

  • :hand: Put your hand up here, and mention @glyph / me
  • :question: Ask a question <3
@mix %vh9g/0xOeUV3xT00q5Tfuo8PKoMiJvHsJJn9EIeJ71Q=.sha256

People I've been thinking about:

  • mentors / support :
    • @mnin : at dweb you joined me as support, and I introduced you to a bunch of patterns I learnt from scuttlecamp 1. I was wondering if you'd like to be the "older sibling" for this event and offer guidance / support for a new person learning here?
    • @mikey you have done a bunch of care work around events, I know you can't take on the primary responsibility but wondering if you'd be up for support/ guidance here?
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@mix %jsHsChjV5s2r2t/7KjyrAVBA+hSc8CSVKagzFNF+/qs=.sha256
Voted @mix very much appreciate the mention -- I am over capacity presently. :lea
@mix %pAd02CP930IXRvGSthDD/TehBH1GWeHhJGxlVwoPwAk=.sha256
Voted [@mixmix](@ye+QM09iPcDJD6YvQYjoQc7sLF/IFhmNbEqgdzQo3lQ=.ed25519) hey mix th
@mix %byqJ3HnrYAuVZ4itGd1CggeCktJEWcPKauNnAPaK67E=.sha256

Thanks @kira , @cblgh , totally understand. Do you want to help me think about who we could ask / invite?

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@mix %sOHUIk1N4Al82fEKxEZAxdz52MgzRX1aPv914sVbpBQ=.sha256
Voted This is a beautiful dream and a beautiful picture [@mixmix](@ye+QM09iPcDJD6
@mix %P6Wwj7rGOFtWWhq8qtaAY62X14jpbeHCiw31RI3mCU4=.sha256
Voted [@mixmix](@ye+QM09iPcDJD6YvQYjoQc7sLF/IFhmNbEqgdzQo3lQ=.ed25519) Do you hav
@mix %6gQKzvroIvcEVqrdmYGQ2rl+wAydurQOqXAxLp8Atz4=.sha256

thanks for the offeres @Noms + @epk.

To answer your question epk, a lot will depend on how much money people give, and some of that might depend on what you communicate. This is work that can take as much time as you can give it. I find doing bits of communication regularly (and changing modes to do it) quite taxing, so I feel like this work takes a lot for me. Like ... 30-60 mins every few days, mainly via text, but sometimes doing calls to be able to meet people face to face and spend time, so that they know you actually care.
Things that can help make this work easier:

  • having a co-pilot, and splitting up the people who you're tracking / communicating with
  • sorting the possible people to support, and being clear about what's too hard / beyond your capacity to be able to support well
    • e.g. solving a hard visa problem in 2 months (don't do it)
    • e.g. working with someone who needs way more money that you will be able to offer

Are either of you intending to go to ScuttleCamp 2?
I guess I had assumed that those helping with this work would be going, but that's not necessarily a requirement. It's certainly nice to be able to meet people you've built relationships with.

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@mix %pEH6zs/wYBA8a1MbHso/6TmMxIrpP2NPkvIaVGG43Jw=.sha256
Voted Thanks for thinking of me, [@glyph](@HEqy940T6uB+T+d9Jaa58aNfRzLx9eRWqkZljB
@mix %rHQpFdDELBRjugnxTMadxDpS0iwUEL6OE9pLCg2t2o4=.sha256

I think what I'm hearing is we don't have someone yet who's clearly said they will lead this work?
To me this is an important thing, because if we start engaging people's attention and energy in offering them support, we need to make sure it's followed through. I think if being able to make time to gift this work is a challenge then we should raise that too - we can always draw resource from our open collective to cover some of peoples time.

So I think my ask is: who is up for leading and holding responsibility? and if people aren't sure what do you need to feel good about taking this on? (support, resources, etc)

Re: blended events @Noms, I'm not a primary organiser of this camp, so it's not my call. For scuttlecamp 1 I didn't want anything like this, because the point was to centralise experience. To me I wanted to support people to connect over human things like "finding coffee in the morning", "doing dishes together", or "going for a swim in the river". I think these are hard to blend with remote connections, and experience suggests that Moinho's internet connection cannot be relied on for anything over voice connections. What I've advocated for when people have made suggestions like this in the past is to not try to make camps / in person gatherings all the things for lots of people, but instead make new things which support the sorts of intimate connections / share experience we'd like to see more of. I'm really excited to dream together about what that could be if you want to jam on that sometime. But also feel free to bounce ideas of glyph / luandro if you think I've missed the point. Maybe you could start a thread for "how to participate at a distance"?

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@mix %/D4Nox/ZEdfDBTnGSmaVnn7Ka9KL2CWMHuRwW1cujVI=.sha256
Voted [@mixmix](@ye+QM09iPcDJD6YvQYjoQc7sLF/IFhmNbEqgdzQo3lQ=.ed25519) Thanks for
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@mix %p8w3LyIs/mb44QChvIP/JLR2sfOlvnfUoHlL1CNFoH4=.sha256
Voted Thanks for your thoughtful responses, [@mixmix](@ye+QM09iPcDJD6YvQYjoQc7sLF
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