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@andrestaltz %6uM3az6vvV4kwLGZqJ4DQtyKdYM1mn2ZdoL0EyRdne4=.sha256
Re: %b6nlgiAu3


I don't know how else to say this: it works!!!

Basically I'm running a real node.js process in the background, which runs full scuttlebot (leveldown swapped for memdown, sodium is fully in JS, but fs and net and dgram and all the rest are the real shit) and the react native app uses ssb-client to communicate to that, and things... work.

Here's a video to prove it:
laptop can sync with phone and vice-versa. I'm also going to test phone-to-phone sync, but it should work too.

Next steps are getting the code published in different packages, and allowing each part to evolve separately. Obvious steps are getting an actual native libsodium and native leveldb, but those can evolve separately and then get plugged to the app later on. That's important so UI development can progress independently from the underlying infrastructure.

I'm super excited for this milestone


@Anders %WzkCJxZjlfrsAs65ElJrnV8xdolRt61FjDTl2aIzzKE=.sha256

Great news!

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