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@mix %87n+iSNIYfME9oaTjMrcgxJ8CulhE53YENfT5O9QfOo=.sha256


patchbay multi-channels

same idea as multi-reddits... you want to see updates on multiple related channels at once.

e.g. #scuttle-camp+#scuttle-fest+#wellington

why did we not build this earlier?!

@dan this was inspired by watching how you're using patchbay in this demo. Thanks :heart:

@mix %R9bfTvSMVh7PGBaG7J11jQJvsKtYafMscJY/ipcldo8=.sha256

Known bug - scroll position isn't sticking right... but you know, there's only so much I should be doing on a side-errand

@dan %HU8g2q7fu7WTVE01pWWlgsWcYZsXCy5mSWTOmwVnijM=.sha256
Voted # Multi-channels ![patchbay multi-channels](&IT3uGTiFrjB+MsVYXEXZzNIqfNT+b
@dan %srKfjEGg4dagYv9LRofeT5oSrUQiL2+mYWyYuffs9Rk=.sha256

I LOVE THIS and have incorporated it into my workflow already.


@mix %/SadF18QkcMTaAsow54CUUsmBYOdppSTN9FTGHn3vGQ=.sha256
Voted I LOVE THIS and have incorporated it into my workflow already. ![Bald_0337
@mix %oUfbClhu55H4EYCcAyK5dY8FQb7jlp9CzLXEKq0+spY=.sha256

there's another solution to the dark-crystal / darkcrystal schism which is much further down the stack, but this one is actually really permissive and great ... you can add mmt for example, and also mix in conceptart for some chill not too distracting inspiration and space.

thanks for the dog considering the lay of the land @dan, it's quite calming

@dan %dbbNpSayTh3y6vjp5aIf11ELbnoY5unw5DtS4VXSXv0=.sha256
Voted there's another solution to the dark-crystal / darkcrystal schism which is
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@dan %7CMhw41gP7vZbi3e1fcfoooB28h2j2nrzUJpcJTBM/Y=.sha256
Voted **Known bug** - scroll position isn't sticking right... but you know, there
@Musickiler's mknbarch2 %WtI4GReVe+dWieem1yoFVnLPcY5t73WicnSEr9+RFlc=.sha256
Voted # Multi-channels ![patchbay multi-channels](&IT3uGTiFrjB+MsVYXEXZzNIqfNT+b
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