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@cel %9wR9NOLSwjaRnJJ66RDon6tIjwpSfOYFxK9GA9YTk+w=.sha256
Re: %JRCF0I14L

Hi @redcamel, welcome.

I'm unable to find a positive answer here. There is a /profile page. From reading the source code (about/html/edit.js), it looks like name, avatar, and publicWebHosting can be updated, but not description.
I don't see a way to publish a raw JSON message either (i.e. to publish the "about" message with "description" field); so maybe this must be done using another client/app (e.g CLI).


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@carlwheezerr %jXt8C5bayvbO5RMXdMyk5oskdTlqjvBNwgLXYfpFB4c=.sha256
Voted Hi @carlwheezerr! Here's a thread comparing `/public` and `/posts`: %dGyIr
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@cel %Ao/7/LLCNW1tCO3lI+AVV/hnZOwA4Rsk2XOi4KF54IM=.sha256
Re: %QTvZZR6Ke

Hi @carlwheezerr!

Here's a thread comparing /public and /posts: %dGyIr9N... by @glyph, %XFPG6hs... by @mixmix.

Here's the announcement thread by @mixmix about the /posts feature: %wWpTyRZ...

Some other threads/posts: %7UI9SSb... by @Kira, %wwSclJA... by @bobyrev.

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