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@mix %wWpTyRZf2J6hYk9mbbBo4fZ/VDj1FZIKcbKb5xjiU30=.sha256

Patchbay /posts


LIVE in master branch.
updates : %sDma/ki...

So it's rollups, with some slightly different styling and stats that Patchwork. This is just a :seedling: release, and if you don't like it feel free to keep sipping from the /public firehose :fire_engine: !

The thing I am most excited about in this is the filters at the top:



  • started - threads you started
  • participated - threads you replied to
  • other - threads you've not replied to

You can toggle each of those "Show" settings independantly, which means you see e.g. "the threads I have been a part of and have been updated recently". or "the threads I've missed", or combinations of.

Sort by:

  • START - the order the threads were created in
  • UPDATE` - the most recently updated
@dan %bhXOLO/JTSg5xASmbbzuvjizLd3TNWjWD3dOEwge2j8=.sha256

ok! just got my head around this.

one needs to go to the /posts page (duh)

Had to refresh and close the app for some reaso and then it worked like a charm.

loving this.


@dan %cgvjKY5sKPacgnL7nYOaPRtj5ZuUw3Lg5FxJ2p95CHY=.sha256

also got to place a gif by using & invocation. mix-squared yay

@dan %z4/G/DfgSvs3SSoh1z/mgNqfVvUlQ7PTMrTJIJarcuQ=.sha256

...and just occured to me that I am no longer going to miss threads which have had activity but where I have not been @ mentioned.

game changer.

hermes offering gifting clover

@mix %cl5rMEwR9rGFPphJCPoM1SNXG1wE0lal86dPvMdhLR8=.sha256

looks like I've introduced a bug in mutant-scroll - if you don't have /posts tab open, it seems to happily continue adding content when updates happen ... which quickly eats a lot of memory.
Will work on fixing that when I can

@mix %UuZ+wJfvmKEwlwADzSomiPEbbstDrXpOiF8nvy5JWWs=.sha256

yeah, found the bug in mutant-scroll. Will sit with it and test it a bit more before publishing a new version to be sure I got it

@cryptix %C6Zrl8qXQtbSUqzePoJVF9J3ARPv9zmXHCRfoE8y56w=.sha256

Trying this right now and really enjoying it. This feels like very good tool to condense the firehose!

hermes butt dancing

one bit I noticed: /posts doesn't autocomplete yet in the nav thingy but I think thats a 1liner.

this also fixed the downscroll bug for me! I guess thats the new scroller you mentioned. yey! cc @keks

@lancew %R5HagTC1b+bcfyXZxZXcmV5PtD3gjSIRIPqEGNY2T+c=.sha256

This is really nice!
Discovered it in patchbay and went "what is this /posts thing" then discovered this thread (as it popped to the top of /posts).
Great stuff, the great keeps getting greater!

@mix %ryfj5cQjzyFadAokod/pzSo5aOyONw1pD6yKYQuGwOE=.sha256

@cryptix I think I fixed the scroller bug (it was incrementing on the the wrong attributes which sometimes led to loops). Hit me up if there's still a problem.

@lancew thanks ! :pray:

@Jacob (desktop) %gWW9GhgYMmmxvLrlHH3frY/7tIldXAEmPUnAe+HIlP8=.sha256

Hehe also ended up here because I was confused, as a new user I wasn't sure which one I was supposed to use. But now that I know the history I guess I'll try out both for a bit :)

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