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@mix %8Oz94iFWqnTEjU+0ZDUppQs5NBJLibU45dxL53DKX+A=.sha256
Re: %mMbIv40Uo

@hoodownr imagination I've been thinking about how to make #noney more easily fungible

Here's the idea:

  • the noney is the image
  • the image is jpeg, which is a container format / can hold meta data
  • there's a butt-chain off signed transfers stored in the blob
  1. I [@mix](@ye+QM09iPcDJD6YvQYjoQc7sLF/IFhmNbEqgdzQo3lQ=.ed25519) mine these 20 noney (signed @ye+QM09...)
  2. I transfer these noney to [@hoodownr](@YND2Cb9uk3ZdFyzXpaXDH5HZ9udu+qjg4MhNcynK2RE=.ed25519) signed (signed @ye+QM09...)
  3. I transfer these noney to [@bob](@vkdMlsuBgzzo5eLS3LZLdqnBpZ26OauJOMIq9gQ2E7E=.ed25519) (signed @YND2Cb9...)
  4. ...

The image part of the original noney is then the human readable part, because it's important to be able to look at noney, put your noney in a collection, curate your noney

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