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@mix %98X48/bphCyZkc6yJ5b5pVgvgho6TJzbAJ5xS3VBkAs=.sha256
Re: %EcGxhkiZO

@gb, we want to see you succeed.

+1 to this. Working a heap of part time jobs is really hard.
It sucks you didn't get more input on your proposal. @gb please @mention me (and others who've expressed their support) if you propose something for the next round, because I would love to explore your ideas with you in public, so people can get excited together with you about your vision, and perhaps bring some exciting visions of their own that you might also enjoy.

@ev I'm still keen to work with you. If you choose to make this subjective space about fihgting against rather than fighting with, I think you're likely to experience more of that. I'm keen on some "Fuck you" vibe AND some "hey what was the misunderstanding here, how we be more awesome together?" vibe :heart:

@andrestaltz thank for the effort, anergy, care, empathy, thoughtfulness you've put in Adjudicating the last 3 months. It's not easy, and it's a realy gift :gift:

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