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@SoapDog %INHphBTRobw1ndzpZ3d4ugpx+UdvJ3cW9A6k6jmluA8=.sha256

@Bit_Tron and @kieran might have experiences to share here.

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@cel %2qagNXHl64jneDXqBa+J3iolNULf5tIld1A+5OBwrq4=.sha256

It is common for ssb-server to have high CPU usage during gossip or indexing. Unfortunately it seems it can sometimes get stuck in that state indefinitely. Disabling legacy gossip may reduce the frequency of that occurrence. Running ssb-server in a loop with ulimit used to limit CPU time [%MmP1Rib...] might also help.

You could also get a 7inch HDMI display for $50 online (or if you have a VGA display, get a HDMI-VGA adapter), hook it up to the computer with a mouse and keyboard, install patchfoo and dillo, and then you will have a ssb client terminal that people could interact with at the space.

If you don't go the docker route, here is a general overview:

  • Install Raspbian (the server one, not the desktop one). Download the image, write it to a card and boot it on the device. (or try Debian Buster or something else)
  • Install Nodejs, such as by using Nodesource or NVM.
  • Install ssb-server. Install the latest release with npm and/or git (after installing git).
  • Set up a script to ssb-server to run automatically.
  • Set up a way to distribute invite codes.
  • Set up GUI by installing xserver and a terminal (stterm) and dwm or other window manager.
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@cel %lALQABnaU2eqGAYYEBrS0ZLS6k6g05hSYRRSiH1VGHU=.sha256


As for invites, isn't there some code again available already?

Yes, easy-ssb-pub

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@Nicolas Stampf (laptop) %p/Y1TI2S4gP0fbCQ4i/nMAM4ehkoKLpEeq959iBsVLA=.sha256

I hadn't time to investigate more. I stopped the server on my Pi.
A friend gave me a Pi 3B+ (my current one is a 3B). I thought about switching the SDcard from the 3B to the 3B+, but then the 3B+ alerts of insufficient power and refuses to boot. With another sdcard, it works fine (I have a retropie one and a blank Raspbian).

Haven't found explanations on the net. I guess it's an incompatibility of some sort with that brand of SDcard...

I'll use the 3B+ to work out an ssb-pub as I find it sensibly faster (check was the launch of LibreOffice ;) )... later :smiley:

@Nicolas Stampf (laptop) %h73Ik8Hypm5U6xRwbvpfwVHW/xRYTKQJ02ZqDYEyZsQ=.sha256

As I said a few minutes before, I tried a fresh installation of easy-ssb-pub, and it failed after just a few minutes...

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