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@andrestaltz %Nem61/FeI3fV488sglUOO3pSmLmHbC6aDcOH/FWJues=.sha256

I made an easy-to-deploy Pub server. screenshot.png

Hopefully helps with Patchwork adoption

@mix %+rviSWLnLFA+lBFb5AXN8LbuXKQEZun3V5duB7fD7PY=.sha256

This looks rad @andrestaltz !

Anyone out there tried this yet ?
Would love to get feedback so we can start recommending this to people.

In the meantime I've thrown a mention in the handbook under applications :
ssb://%lJsDWwnF4bDxHWYuSjw/bW37xg+saF8WtPZYZsefKj0=.sha256 (are you on git-ssb yet?)

@mix %5JpKg3dpfkcOpVKTUVw42GklVCtKCF6ikKdlyaiU4Oo=.sha256

We tend to publish ssb related tools on git-ssb (and backups on github). Because if you're going de-cent, why not go all the way?

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@mix %UvJmG732yJrqhkctG1ck6rl4gcE5q6uMdhuhGur4ta4=.sha256

wow that was beautiful @andrestaltz !
thanks @don

@mix %k46XwKQZuhbHjmpoVJNMBfZJRzPqockgpnFsewLULTU=.sha256

Now to make a way to use invite in patchbay ... or find one that was already written

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@andrestaltz %f+jj+oeAb9SBJ4j49V65DLV6kFPlRsRdfoz+U/vTQfU=.sha256

Sure, I'll start using git-ssb too. It's just a matter of letting go some habits :)

@andrestaltz %F+oc9Aba4BTzTaASRBmQdGJPc3ZuIkh5ZH29xtHKJto=.sha256

Also, this easy server has pretty loose rules for invites. It gives out free invites for anyone who asks, even spammers. So it's not useful forever, but it's certainly useful for the time being, when SSB is still small :)

@andrestaltz %yPDxcLS717Fk/W7U3RbBKxJpRBf2bgXyWqsYTuQ2/q0=.sha256

Is this how you do it? %XE0CHVu...

@cel %NiM4ql8Vxl7Mp9ce+jh8h0VUxYqC9GVyvkLd25tIkNs=.sha256

@andrestaltzs yes, except the repo message is encrypted, while the push message is not. this is unusual, but i'm able to clone it anyway. what command did you use to create the repo?

i like the design of easy-ssb-pub. another idea for giving out invites in a more trust-friendly way could be to ask for an email address or other contact info before giving out the invite. maybe also ask questions like "how did you find this", "why do you want to join". then have it go into a queue to be manually approved. or just send it by email, thus confirming the address. then there is more of a connection with the new person

@andrestaltz %OJwL1kB4g6JHWBE05r8wnV/H2sTqqepUtMFl7JjwnyU=.sha256

I did git ssb create ssb easy-ssb-pub then git push ssb master.

another idea for giving out invites in a more trust-friendly way could be to ask for an email address or other contact info before giving out the invite. maybe also ask questions like "how did you find this", "why do you want to join". then have it go into a queue to be manually approved. or just send it by email, thus confirming the address. then there is more of a connection with the new person

Agree. However, I'd do that for a v2.0. For now, I think it's more important to provide the quickest possible experience to join as a user.

@cel %RyrtASBxqux7m+OeVEaRMNzRFjUv8G6QbqBVk9ubbgU=.sha256

git ssb create ssb easy-ssb-pub then git push ssb master

Found the bug. Fixed in git-ssb v2.3.2. I recommend deleting the remote and then re-running those commands after updating git-ssb, so that the repo is compatible with clients.

For now, I think it's more important to provide the quickest possible experience to join as a user


@andrestaltz %WteJATpXm9fdvJ+uMUbTfC48uDV5PYqPYbeX05mpoQc=.sha256

Okay, I updated and re-ran. Let's try this: %M1M+D5+... working?

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