You are reading content from Scuttlebutt
@andrestaltz %M1M+D5+tV0YS/tx+2DzX4T8zwvfMr/yLmTy/Up95D/U=.sha256
Did a git update
  • Update address to example server
  • Add
  • Add LICENSE file
  • Fix footer style z-index
  • Fix JS interaction for Safari et al
  • Add link to github repo in the footer
  • Use node v6.9.1 in Dockerfile
  • Add Dockerfile for now
  • Improve npm start script
  • Update package name
  • Styling fixes to invited page
  • Improve CSS and content of invited page
  • Fix /invited route usage of the ejs template
  • Fix
  • Update env var instructions
  • Initial commit, app working
@cel %5ceTRzKVorrbEiIMbsNpTKy0FoaFfyVx8CBRD+UvDNI=.sha256

works for me!

$ git clone ssb://%lWXxpVupn3mPxa4lXD/IfZkqA5vIHwXJeKMpbQ8KH60=.sha256 easy-ssb-pub
Cloning into 'easy-ssb-pub'...
Receiving objects: 100% (71/71), 135.65 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (31/31), done.

@andrestaltz %zNr5wFuG1xZij9kBRQXPzcek/ITUKkn0CdvCbKSkCvo=.sha256

So it's that easy. Wonderful

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