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@dan %9boSty1NOP9zqCr1SyCSVndBMedWN+DfzkoyQgYdBCI=.sha256

Others Shards Design

others shards

This is fork from %2Y9NDnf...

Where @mix asked:

Any input on what the design for returning shards in this context could look like would be appreciated. Some options :

  • when you hover over a shard you see more info, and can click actions (hard)
  • you click on a shard and get a modal popping up with all the detail about it

I think a combination of what you have suggested mix.

I think onhover can give details such as date and rootId

I think modal will be the richest way to then deep dive into the guts of each shard. I think we should have the ability to move left and right through the shards when in the modal mode so you don't have to keep going up and down ( @happy0 implemented this for active games of chess which require a move and it's great)

cc: @kieran @kieran-two @peg

@Gordon %MyLgQSN4xqVdBYwIUbppQBvEUSLrrMgncIr+tLVRIP4=.sha256
Voted # Others Shards Design ![others shards](&VCixBpA2zL0wwmwn/zRbwTjKw2GzRumsY
@mix %n8EHL2+Oee8odDgntfpEWbFBOTlQ7Eh8BOJ/kvBlWp8=.sha256
Voted # Others Shards Design ![others shards](&VCixBpA2zL0wwmwn/zRbwTjKw2GzRumsY
@dan %EtxTmRm7IbN20Fxe3YP2LivEXaMWKfxSAs8Hqglux10=.sha256

This thread has been superceeded by UI Pathways: 2 - 'Return a Shard' I will be putting my thoughts over on that thread rather than this one.

cc: @kieran @kieran-two @mix @peg

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