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@Christian Bundy %ATSOHf+zZomndm/JkoPkioQKwWgjQrNRhnXvA0aGRgA=.sha256
Re: %yT4SaZfvL


Merged and published as 4.0.1. 👍

Regarding the future, it would be really nice to have a way to specify metadata about the post. For example, here's how you'd do a "post" with ActivityStreams:

  "@context": "",
  "summary": "A simple note",
  "type": "Note",
  "mediaType": "text/markdown",
  "content": "## A simple note\nA simple markdown `note`"

This is actually a pretty neat spec, it seems like they've put a lot of effort into specifying exactly how all of this should work together:

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