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Content warning: ssb-server

Since the ssb-server v16 stuck indexing issue, I am recommending ssb-server v15 over v16. I've opened a PR to backport needed changes to v15:

I would like to publish a new patch release of v15 with the following changes:

  • Update ssb-links to v3.0.10, as in #738
  • Update chloride to v2.3.0, to bring in in sodium-native v3, supporting Node v12+
  • Backport #727 and #432, for good measure

There are no indexing conflicts that I am aware of between v15 and v16 currently - v16 just adds ssb-private1 - so it is safe to run both of these with the same ~/.ssb directory (not at the same time, of course). Running v15 is useful for recovering from #734.

@cryPhone📱 %ZardO/Xm5So4QK7fBI68ZT9zZJiDlKaniCuvBXCU8iA=.sha256
Voted [CW: ssb-server] Since the ssb-server v16 [stuck indexing issue](%2s+5blIs8
@cryPhone📱 %gLn2W5ZEQcQvm/Bt5ZjWhZthT+Bt+cUNlpV+S4Zams4=.sha256

I didn’t run into stuckness but had some problems with the db stack when updating flotilla, the ssb-server bundle of oasis.

Not sure how helpful this is but I was wondering if there is a tool to diff two package-lock’s as that flotilla module probably gives us at least a good and a bad pointer to what’s working.

@mix.exe %o2Ai+6lF+dAlmWvIaJHYJ6Rh5IotP6y/dTJ0T8Wlbts=.sha256

I'm not using ssb-server directyly, rather secret-stack + ssb-db and other plugins. Have not seen this bug yet, wonder where it exists.
Does anyone have an idea for a test we could write to stimulate this bug?

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