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@Daan (deprecated) %C9B8k7AftNaIu7+ubmMoCjlzO7W6ppEk5t5wQB4MS0Q=.sha256
Re: %1uM3ZEG3x

By my count (i.e. what sbot shows me) we have

  • 3 votes for option 1 (Keep ButtCouncil)
  • 8 votes for option 2 (Drop the "Butt")

Counting @zelf's post and everyone who liked it as "either 1 or 2", this would become

  • 10 votes for option 1 (Keep ButtCouncil)
  • 15 votes for option 2 (Drop the "Butt")

with "Handshake Council" being the / a commonly supported name.

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