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@Daan (deprecated) %1uM3ZEG3xhLB6biSCwGCfyYs4/4/R0MEaAc1l2O0uhc=.sha256

Another day, another #naming-party round.
The discussion around the name of the #buttcouncil (working title) has slowed down, but the outcome is somewhat unclear. So, we'll try to get at least some idea of what the collective will of the scuttleverse is.
I'll make three posts underneath this one, acting as a kind of makeshift poll.

Like the option(s) you would support

@Daan (deprecated) %ebILTpB4u1jxRiMfRncoWWi3VM5MGWNJ9H2wjBGjSoI=.sha256

Option 1: Leave the name "Butt Council" as is

@Daan (deprecated) %eCml16RxKyjWrUCupRq94K7fCL2Jokm1GuxDHtmLmow=.sha256

Option 2: Find a different name and drop the "Butt"

@Daan (deprecated) %7auf9NNUh3D6JidPNiuubpVEa173H6R7S6/lZekezc8=.sha256

Option 3: Find a different name but double down on the butts

@Rich %K5pTu7mo+2uxAGJbuCWOfVToJI1L8K29FxJQcHgGSb8=.sha256

I would support Option 2 if it were: "Find a different name: Drop The Butt"

@Rich %lIWmXzuom0TZu0y+kQairY0tj8dRFOO0JHE9X++a+MM=.sha256

OK that was funny to me but in retrospect I can imagine @Daan (the other one) rolling their eyes and thinking "this Rich guy is a bit of a dweeb". Ribbing humour is probably only funny within existing friendships. So I will pause my campaign to buttify everything. I vote for all three!

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@dan %nUXJYqB0l8gg+08dqKmBNV+PUQKjRGtDvEN7QMxGAS4=.sha256

I personally like toungue in cheek names so would be happy to sit on the buttcouncil.

I don't feel super strongly about it tho.

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@Christian Bundy %JNHxxKEgnQq6veaa51+3DWbasFPlc7hXOy/qroa0rTM=.sha256

As mentioned above, I think "Handshake Council" or "Handshake Grant Council" is my favorite, since it specifies the scope of the council. It may be an instance of a #buttcouncil, but my thinking is along the same lines as @cinnamon and @zenna on this.

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@Christian Bundy %Q+bLl6gOJZfwsLp8X+UjelDlbc05VZG1gY3+I/75GsA=.sha256

@nanomonkey Of course! How could I forget the good old THSHCEATH(H)PCV?!

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@Christian Bundy %v6Cj1y1w3ZvJyn4zgqQv7or9skACFUxS9for1HBQ7u8=.sha256

@nanomonkey The old Markdown renderer strikes again! I think the old renderer has a bug where one newline creates a new paragraph, and since I'm using a different renderer it just shows them all one one line. FWIW, I love them all.

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@Daan (deprecated) %C9B8k7AftNaIu7+ubmMoCjlzO7W6ppEk5t5wQB4MS0Q=.sha256

By my count (i.e. what sbot shows me) we have

  • 3 votes for option 1 (Keep ButtCouncil)
  • 8 votes for option 2 (Drop the "Butt")

Counting @zelf's post and everyone who liked it as "either 1 or 2", this would become

  • 10 votes for option 1 (Keep ButtCouncil)
  • 15 votes for option 2 (Drop the "Butt")

with "Handshake Council" being the / a commonly supported name.

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@Daan (deprecated) %X629IvErFZqLKqBuTmC5epYxnlbg5GO+CpvQLvXO1tQ=.sha256

@elavoie yes, the issue with subjectivity is a bit particular. I didn't see votes from @dinosaur or @andrestaltz and they both did have opinions on the matter, so I'm a bit unsure about the completeness of the survey. But it seems to go in the direction of Handshake Council indeed. I'll make a new #naming-party post.

@Daan (deprecated) %/h3Ppsyk4Rg7ZLOmi3T0j/Zofd+oF6TyxC01FI6n7qs=.sha256

Here we go: %uZS8pZa...

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