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@mix %hUVwCHyAS737B+4faNlwBLJXkWfrGbx53IO+hp5c/z0=.sha256

I hit this error recently. here's some stuff

Here's the PR where I hit it, I think the solution was something like adding server: true to the config starting the serrver

Here's an issue that was raised earlier which might have more info

I think ssb-server start probably has some config which is now not working. I've been working to document ssb-config more ... le sigh. cc @Gordon @dominic ?

@Gordon %XmEVnTb4/X2xu9NBhKK129wg9YcUDKr6xEFXdq2vjIc=.sha256

I had a 6 hour marathon of ssb-bluetooth coding last night, so I'm going to step back from scuttlebutt stuff for a couple of days and focus on day job stuff =p. Do you have the time to look into it @Dom ? It doesn't ~ seem ~ related to the changes I made, right?

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@Christian Bundy %q7Ub1E2EIvOa4FCkFwHab6MYTKHteIepcIR+VPks2Sg=.sha256

In case it's useful, I've consolidated everything that I know about the server option here:

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@mix %HFDJMCALeaf4vE62wOPXEv4CRfyJax2LPD+iiXn4S8c=.sha256
Voted In case it's useful, I've consolidated everything that I know about the `se
@mix %vSsqHgUjnmmzx2PpcGBZ74CIyeXEc/FTcXwmVA3bPSE=.sha256
Voted Couldn’t CC [@mix](@ye+QM09iPcDJD6YvQYjoQc7sLF/IFhmNbEqgdzQo3lQ=.ed25519) o
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