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@mikey %CTQ8iGCawrsEve9o55w9ivncEg2E38cz7blMPn1F44Q=.sha256
Re: %CiSwKkjT8

consent concerns

i think the consent question is interesting because we already share content we didn't author on ssb, including with people we don't follow (or in any way, explicitly consent to have our content). to me, the only difference is whether you are talking over muxrpc in an ssb app or over http in a web browser.

for a thought experiment along this line of thinking: imagine a browser-based ssb peer where you could link someone to a url with a message id and a pub address. your browser connects to the pub and requests the post (either out-of-order or by replicating the feed). that seems "okay", by our current set of cultural norms where we don't think much of ssb peers replicating feeds. but hosting an unindexed web page that already includes the post content is not okay?

i also understand i have privilege that leads to me feeling okay with my content being shared online. if possible, i'm keen to understand the reasons behind why ssb content, which is already public to read for anyone who is given access to an ssb pub, shouldn't be on an unindexed web page. is this a mismatch of expectations between what ssb is and what ssb wants to be? is my thinking just cold and heartless, missing the point of our squishy human relationships?

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