To reduce the immeasurable, infinite complexity of our selves and our multilayered relationships to each other to a …number. That is evil. I still live in our modern society, typing on a computer, so I’m not against numbers, etc. But is there not something core to the idea that our algorithms and judgments should be integrated into the holographic realities within us? I don’t want to flatten my experience by having ML or Silicon Valley heuristics break off pieces of my humanity by digitizing them, all in the name of efficiency or progress.
yeah i agree. technology is best to augment humans, not remove humans.
i too like being weird and messy and awkward and fun. i like to party. i like making up stories about a giraffe. i like being silly with money. i like being silly with power. i like dreaming about a solarpunk future. i like this life thing at the moment. ☀️ 🥔
i'm not a techno-optimist. i think we mostly go in circles, get lost, and rediscover wisdom.
i worry AI will never reach intelligence (before climate change has a word), but still be effective at enforcing our dangerous games (capitalism, etc).
For SSB, what code is anyone ever going to write for a network where we can’t see the entire network how fun @epk is? How do we digitize my feelings when he shares about his dad passing? I share about my dad’s declining mental state and @hoody hibernating says I might be hurting myself by over-empathizing, and I deeply feel that advice, how should we code that so it is accessible to every person on earth instantly? Is that actually good? or is it nonsensical?
for me, what matters about SSB is that something happened here. i'm not sure what exactly, but i know the effect was life-changing for many of us. sure this happened on the internet via mostly text, but there were humans behind those glyphs, and we shared a real experience together. and yes, SSB will continue to happen for as long as there are butts to replicate, but for me i see the tides changing and i'm feeling reflective of my journey so far. 💜
i don't want to optimize SSB, i just don't want to forget what happened. i have a bad memory, so reading old posts is like re-discovering stories about your ancestors, our past selves. brings me great joy to read, even more joy to share.
i also was, in many ways, raised by the internet, so i grew up stumbling through rivers of content. i still love wandering amongst the unfiltered, unprocessed, unsummarized internet. i want the fire hose, good bad and all. the internet is everything and nothing, but amongst the bytes are real happenings by real people. i was born of this byte stuff.
so as i think about how to compost SSB, i want to feed our nutrients back into the soil from where we came, be available for the next wandering mind, the next 15 year old wandering nethead like i was. i think about the Usenet Archives, where you can see the life of an early internet, random posts that mean nothing yet everything. i don't care about being accessible to everyone, as with SSB onboarding, the wanderers will find themselves. i don't worry about our content being out-of-context, what happened here is a story for each person consuming each byte to understand in their own way.