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@entron %RLLec4hIe3ZlxfYsOW7Yfp80wwKDZsmQks37OJLVgyI=.sha256

I have uploaded all the code I used for my website,, to GitHub at the following link:

The website will be shutting down in a few weeks, but I hope that the code may still be of use to others.

I would like to extend my gratitude to @cel and many friends here for their invaluable help and advice during the development of the website.

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@entron %CTDbXNZ6xoXI3bATmQJxVXJq2waX4lDNRIETFW6CAnM=.sha256

The indexed pages of by google dropped from ten thousands to only 500, and monthly visits dropped from 20 to almost 0 during the past 6 months. As the purpose of this website is to attract new users I have to say I am a bit disappointed. I am thinking to take down the website and open the source code instead.

@Anders %D5x+qj4QK93xKCN+S028x5pgAxkU2jmXt68BAde/0j4=.sha256
Voted # New web gateway for SSB * Main targeted audie
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User has not chosen to be hosted publicly
User has not chosen to be hosted publicly
@entron %q+VQnCKn/Zhfyzf6Gph5sQYmWBEbi42BVAm9gWjyjhk=.sha256

New web gateway for SSB

  • Main targeted audience are people who haven't used SSB and #new-people.
  • It supports $\LaTeX$ using MathJax. You can use $ for inline math and $$ for displayed formulas. More instructions here.
  • It only shows feeds who explicitly set publicWebHosting = True . Currently there are 354 valid feeds, however they generated about $\frac{1}{4}$ of all contents on SSB.
  • As there are not many feeds it only updates once per day between 6 am to 7 am UTC time to reduce cost and $\ce{CO2}$ footprint.

I build this in my spare time. It's fun to build on top of SSB. To me it is more like a read-only static APP on SSB. The contents I intended to show while building the site are non-personal and of public interest content such as tech, science, history and art.

Thanks @cel-desktop for answering many questions about SSB. Also thank @cel-desktop ,
@Daan and others in the community to provide valuable feedback to the website. I used hugo to generate this site. Hugo is a very powerful product and has a very helpful community. Hope more people will learn about SSB and benefit from it.

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