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@luandro %FYAy8zFr6mRsfVWNT4TXMw7LCiSPgDI9Rzdogm9fRRc=.sha256


Been officially invited by Digital Democracy to work on the #mapeo team as Distributed System Dev together with @Kira. Really happy and looking forward to working with this amazing team and collaborating on this amazing tool which proved to be really useful on my visit to the Krahô.

Thanks @mixmix for suggesting this. Will miss working with the #ahau team, but I'm happy to see they're still working hard to continue development and improving the platform.

Protection of the territory and of the culture are definitely top priorities for the indigenous peoples I visited, and these tools enable it thru large scale collaboration and safe p2p communication.

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@mix %Jw7K+k+t57aBSFMlEJ/jRc12NGgZ71SR0pjFGAQsmQI=.sha256
Voted ![mapeo_ex.jpg](&y6YOZfvKrOvyjmbvPLpMvPVnNgIhO9QIfdyZE81RrXk=.sha256) Been
@mix %Q0tH6k9fN6WqS7xD/XONU4LuidBdMxcDAz2/iycv3bk=.sha256

this is really exciting @Luandro Pàtwy, congratulations! I really look forward to keeping in touch and finding out how we can learn from each others work and share.
Envious you get to work with gorgeous @kira too <3

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