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@dan %FxK4GdAWVVEsWxn5Iz6nOlp2YM7TCm09zFwiojxphsw=.sha256

Experiment 004: MMT Internal Economy - Coconut Death Roleplay - week 2018-04-24



@peg led out this 2 week Experiment.


MMT folks managing internal economy is good thing & we all want that.


This is the second 2 week experiment dedicated to the Coconut Death Roleplay

We have recently set up a long term wallet which will hold more funds and we decided will require more signatures. This gives more security, but means if something bad happens to us or our keys theres a greater risk of using access to our funds.

To test our key-backup system using our truename tool we are going to role play a terrible story where we loose access to the wallet and need to retrieve the missing keys.

The main reporting for the Coconut death roleplay can be found here

Previous Experiments

[Experiment 000] MMT Internal Economy: Multi-sig Discussion

[Experiment 001] BTC pay experiment - week 2018-03-19

[Experiment 002] BTC pay experiment - week 2018-03-26

[Experiment 003] Coconut Death Roleplay - week 2018-04-10

Purpose of this thread

The purpose of this thread is to act as an index to outcomes from this Experiment. Please refrain from posting to allow for a clear Index to related discussion and reporting posts.

cc: #mmt-experiments

@dan %v//MNEFCKSgqbuovhNYwx4Wyik+WtlZmZK/1sGoaAdI=.sha256

alanz linked us to Spontaneous Anonymous Group.

noffle is filtering out mmt from his firehose. It was recorded that there was no #beef in the air or the firehose.

cole was the latest to ask what is mmt.

dan linked out to some cryptocurrency accounting stuff.

jolyon linked to a sweet youtube video which explains the diffie-hellman key exchange with paints!

dan linked out to [True Names] as suggested reading for exploring the scifi which was floating around at the time the cypherpunks were "writing code". Perhaps useful for understanding some of the narratives informing peoples ethics, which likely were then encoded and woven into the writting of the softwares.

kieran expanded on his work on social backups. dan had previously attempted to unpack this in this thread on Socially Robust #interdependent Backups A.K.A Password Recovery.

the thread then went full illustrator with both mix drawing his understanding of sharding

with some extensions oriented towards multisig from dan

dan proposed Illustration: An Experiment. In this thread @Angelica
said the following:

"the language used for this whole exchange is incredible, forgive me. this is how it works, right?"

And then dropped this jaw-dropper.

nikolai looks like he might be back in the game and perhaps able to rejoin the mmt fun

alanna was able to regrow the wallet!. This thread is worth reading in full as some delightful treats sprouted.

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