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@mix %GPpzKCCsivEiozLBNMtVQng1eRf9mD4VTfMUHLfPCpw=.sha256
Re: %W5LfLGWnK


researched varios possible changes to sharding, wrote demo code to learn more about cryptography
threads : %m6A6R6K... %2qEtYbJ... %2MWm+AM...


met with @peg and hammered out details from sharding research, deciding what would be "in" this release

pulled the tuesday meeting decisions out into really nicely spec'd trello card. This made me surprisingly happy and settled feeling <3


god damn it @mikey just told me about sodium-native and sodium-friend who have tutorials in general ... cc @peg @kieran @dan hassan

AND I ordered dan thai food, which felt super great. I hope it arrives at the right time - ordering food across timezones is a trust exercise!

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