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@cryptix %GfBQyGvlbtskDqZW0wrdZnQNL3gNginynP3LGynN984=.sha256
Re: %bXON0NojK

I just reran the same node2nix using v1.6.0 invocation (see above, after the two cat << EOFs, or the Makefile on the branch below) and they completed and installed an sbot that starts..!!

for git-ssb: the exec $(command node || comamnd nodejs) hashbang trick went passed nixos' path-fixer and only replaced the /bin/sh. So I had to install nodejs in my nix-env (aka user/system-wide). It wouldn't have to if the fixer saw #!/usr/bin/node or similar but I can live with that.

Still fiddling with patchbay... since there it's started with npm start from the repo root, there is no /bin in the resulting derivation.. starting it from the /lib in the drv results in electron: not found.. I think if there was a /bin script with electron as the hashbang it might get patched and just work(TM).. to be continued

I pushed my new attempted to the upstream branch of ssb4nix in %xmIvmWj...

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