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@cryptix %bXON0NojKlo8v/vkzJLfadwY08o20m/jNUPfTdL82XE=.sha256

re %aBIa4Vh...:

I'm having a falling out with qubes. Maybe I shouldn't be so picky but the rc4 test left quite a scar. Maybe my definition of release candidate is different but that felt more like a beta test and even though some issues are closed it still feels flaky and I don't have time to also be beta-tester for them right now..

Sooo I'm trying nixos on my laptop again. I really like having zfs back since I can use my snapshot based backup system onto my nas again. The qubes backup tarballs were massive... I also like the build environments a lot. It's a much more fine-grained system of what get's installed than the still rather monolithic (or redundant) templates and also without all the VM overhead. Ofc it's a less secure system (I do consider the browser with the same access right to everything as your primary user a high risk) but I consider it a better stop-gap until I a better trial/beta version of subgraph os is released. I'm eager to see how easy it will be to bundle apps with citadel (warning:twitter) but that's still very new and more shiny than promising next week solution.

I will try to get scuttlebot and git-ssb into into nixpkgs and maybe also patchcore friends if it goes smoothly. I'll nag @baldo some more about it for the nix-foo, he made us a nix-shell for tale:net which I was able to copy&pasta and strip a little to make sbot, patchbay and -foo compile. Now I need to compare and cleanup with how the other nodejs packages are built... I'm pretty new and making these pkgs but so far I grok most of the concepts and the manuals for OS and nixpkgs are really good.

@cryptix %1WVo9HuLG8BJMaOf/AdPbdGX6qFDYvwo0nErmJ9Q8Zw=.sha256

cc @musicmatze you were also a heavy #nixos user, right?

@cryptix %bk8X7//l2qP5dxCcnq813186lfr7rHr/TjvI0nfAkBQ=.sha256

Here is the shell.nix I am using for scuttlebot and git-ssb so far. It's basically the one from t:n with all the electron stuff removed.

Next step: exposing/installing the binary helpers (sbot, git-remote-ssb) so I can include them in other shells.

I also have updated the .nix files on my dotcryptix repo. Moving away from one big systemPackages towards more little shells.

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@xj9 %FZTbirqF0yEO95z+olUGDQfDYdSSVGjgrWT95cZrBqc=.sha256

@cryptix i think @clacke is also working on ssb/nix things might want to hit him up on IRC

@cryptix %GWsUFvHbbTEPBAjMEPNcBgwk7rxvzdGE+yjMrJdWepw=.sha256

alan: nice! that is a way I intend to use them as well.

xj9: thanks! good to know!

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@cryptix %P2DEPhSNmUVA/+UqVa6Oz9+QNYOyX3pbffQfbINfIvo=.sha256

hmm... that dependency bundling problem seems to be quite the hairy mess..

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@cel %gqHzOMoRCrVCC4DVU6xPMhIv+xQeYdu1mWN0hRP3JMo=.sha256

Social vicinity should not be strictly necessary to see dependencies for top-level packages published with ssb-npm-registry (as of %O47FRp6...). When a package is published with ssb-npm publish or e.g. npm publish --registry=http://localhost:8043/, the npm-packages message should link, with the dependencyBranch property, recursively, to a set of npm-packages messages containing all needed dependencies for the published package, recursively. ssb-npm-registry should make use of these links when resolving dependencies, so if the dependencies' authors' feeds are not available, the necessary messages are fetched by hash. So a message hash for the top-level package publish should be sufficient to get the dependencies, assuming you have the ssb-ooo plugin and can get the necessary messages via ooo replication.

Usage with ssb-npm-registry:
Insert the URL-encoded message id after the registry base URL. Example:
npm i patchfoo --registry=http://localhost:8043/%25uweCcGdDMrMr7B07OdOHXgWz7dtarAQw5mUIPqJ5KTc%3D.sha256
More info in the readme for ssb-npm-registry, under heading "Message scope": &fMbzp6T...

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@cryptix %v5kYmY7wf8r6pSMOBfE2DxblCm691pdEAsGYPG4F0OI=.sha256

That's very interesting, thanks @cel! I feared of running into issue with the git-ssb deps.

Insert the URL-encoded message id after the registry base URL.

the message id is the key of the npm publish for that package (in your example case patchfoo), right?

@clacke: I saw that you posted on gnusocial that you got patchfoo running. Very nice to hear as well!

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@cryPhone📱 %2hIwBVEObEplB/Hju7WvfK5KdB7oGCRgD50SX110154=.sha256

Hmm.. interesting. That probably needs an update to npm 5 now that node8 is the LTS?

@cryptix %HXas/EL/N6m05NuvECItmsn5zTN/3N5+PPlQ0tAZBmw=.sha256

Thanks again for that repo @clacke! It was quite educational for me as a nix-novice.

I now have a git-ssb package which I can use across my profile without having to enter nix-shell first. YEY!

Although I wondered why I only have that one pkg.. I thought all of the npm packages in the package.json should make individual packages but I might misunderstood node2nix there..

@cel %o2QMfO9OxQXNE50bVbJKINAAEL0gOfq6B/FItimRw1k=.sha256


@cel So is ssb-ooo a mechanism for a blobs-like replication of individual messages?


Unknown integrity string: sha256-/xm5O/jeBb6n6mvwXSa6RiJirWPVAPX+Eu9bGnF14HM=

I'm not sure what to do about that... I think the string is a valid SSRI string.

but looks like you got it working in %1fxInGT... maybe?


ssb-npm's shasum strings are compatible only with npm 5 and up.

It should work with npm < 5, as it detects those versions to give them a sha1 (by fetching the tarball to calculate the shasum on-the-fly, or using the sha1 that newer ssb-npm-registry versions include in the publish message); if not, that is a bug.


the message id is the key of the npm publish for that package (in your example case patchfoo), right?


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@cryptix %qMjAnHn1kz0MCcGBY6t5lDGGpJduqvhjIFlHLQqGYUk=.sha256

So I used my free time this morning to finally take the first 7 nix pills.
This was finally enough to really understand the basics of nix and how it manages software and not just blindly editing lines inside some text files.


With closed I started from a clean slate (not needing the forked node2nix) with this as my nixpkglist.json (as described in node2nix readme)

cat > nixpkglist.json << EOF

cat > nixpkglist-supplement.json <<EOF

node2nix -8 -i nixpkglist.json --supplement-input nixpkglist-supplement.json

I also want patchfoo in there but for that I need to add --registry http://some.registry to the node2nix call. And the version I have on another host gave me the integrity error. I will update it once I can bootstrap a sbot with this. I also did not dare to test node@10 yet, might try later once this works.

With the generated expressions and resolved packages at hand, I tried to install the three packages. I attached them largely for historical purposes.

nix-env -f default.nix -iA scuttlebot seemd to work (installed something) but gives me this error when running sbot server:

scuttlebot 11.3.0 /home/cryptix/.ssb logging.level:notice
my key ID: p13zSAiOpguI9nsawkGijsnMfWmFd5rlUNpzekEE+vI=.ed25519

    throw error
InitializationError: Must provide a location for the database
    at new LevelUP (/nix/store/57mfqpar90p9jhs8fck1pzmsq01c71lq-node-scuttlebot-11.3.0/lib/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/levelup/lib/levelup.js:69:13)
    at LevelUP (/nix/store/57mfqpar90p9jhs8fck1pzmsq01c71lq-node-scuttlebot-11.3.0/lib/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/levelup/lib/levelup.js:46:12)
    at Level (/nix/store/57mfqpar90p9jhs8fck1pzmsq01c71lq-node-scuttlebot-11.3.0/lib/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/level-packager/level-packager.js:13:12)
    at module.exports (/nix/store/57mfqpar90p9jhs8fck1pzmsq01c71lq-node-scuttlebot-11.3.0/lib/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/secure-scuttlebutt/create.js:10:14)
    at Object.init (/nix/store/57mfqpar90p9jhs8fck1pzmsq01c71lq-node-scuttlebot-11.3.0/lib/node_modules/scuttlebot/index.js:48:15)
    at /nix/store/57mfqpar90p9jhs8fck1pzmsq01c71lq-node-scuttlebot-11.3.0/lib/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/secret-stack/api.js:38:28
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at create (/nix/store/57mfqpar90p9jhs8fck1pzmsq01c71lq-node-scuttlebot-11.3.0/lib/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/secret-stack/api.js:37:20)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/nix/store/57mfqpar90p9jhs8fck1pzmsq01c71lq-node-scuttlebot-11.3.0/lib/node_modules/scuttlebot/bin.js:61:16)
    at Module._compile (module.js:652:30)

nix-env -f default.nix -iA git-ssb also installed something but I couldn't use it really. git ssb web starts but leaves me with a undefined user and an endless blocking git ssb named ..... :-/

Patchbay errored out during building it's level and leveldown deps

nix-env -f default.nix -iA patchbay
[...] # download snip
> level@3.0.1 postinstall /nix/store/z5qf3dw2bh1zm4cdgl9akj0py1m1z8pl-node-patchbay-7.13.0/lib/node_modules/patchbay/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/level
> opencollective postinstall || exit 0

sh: opencollective: command not found

> leveldown@3.0.2 install /nix/store/z5qf3dw2bh1zm4cdgl9akj0py1m1z8pl-node-patchbay-7.13.0/lib/node_modules/patchbay/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/leveldown
> prebuild-install || node-gyp rebuild

sh: prebuild-install: command not found
make: Entering directory '/nix/store/z5qf3dw2bh1zm4cdgl9akj0py1m1z8pl-node-patchbay-7.13.0/lib/node_modules/patchbay/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/leveldown/build'

[ ... ] # CXX  build snip

make: *** [ Release/] Error 1
make: Leaving directory '/nix/store/z5qf3dw2bh1zm4cdgl9akj0py1m1z8pl-node-patchbay-7.13.0/lib/node_modules/patchbay/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/leveldown/build'
gyp ERR! build error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (/nix/store/nsv34vfz4ygd06ws8kz04flf7mlv2bsf-nodejs-8.11.1/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:258:23)
gyp ERR! stack     at emitTwo (events.js:126:13)
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:214:7)
gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:198:12)
gyp ERR! System Linux 4.14.38
gyp ERR! command "/nix/store/nsv34vfz4ygd06ws8kz04flf7mlv2bsf-nodejs-8.11.1/bin/node" "/nix/store/nsv34vfz4ygd06ws8kz04flf7mlv2bsf-nodejs-8.11.1/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" "rebuild"
gyp ERR! cwd /nix/store/z5qf3dw2bh1zm4cdgl9akj0py1m1z8pl-node-patchbay-7.13.0/lib/node_modules/patchbay/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/leveldown
gyp ERR! node -v v8.11.1
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.6.2
gyp ERR! not ok
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! leveldown@3.0.2 install: `prebuild-install || node-gyp rebuild`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the leveldown@3.0.2 install script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /build/.npm/_logs/2018-05-21T14_46_45_844Z-debug.log
builder for '/nix/store/4r7d9rkk4lh4cd5zm429jrx15h7a1ddw-node-patchbay-7.13.0.drv' failed with exit code 1

which also happened during sbots build but I just didn't notice it.. bad npm!...

I'll now try to cycle back through clakes ssb4nix to find a hint of what to try next. Maybe an older sbot? but the version in patchbay@7 also errored out.. :-/

Trying Next: adding opencollective as supplement and tools like make to build level..

I'd much prefer to have these as inputs to this derivation, just like electron could/should be a dep, not prebuild binary fetched..

@cryptix %GfBQyGvlbtskDqZW0wrdZnQNL3gNginynP3LGynN984=.sha256

I just reran the same node2nix using v1.6.0 invocation (see above, after the two cat << EOFs, or the Makefile on the branch below) and they completed and installed an sbot that starts..!!

for git-ssb: the exec $(command node || comamnd nodejs) hashbang trick went passed nixos' path-fixer and only replaced the /bin/sh. So I had to install nodejs in my nix-env (aka user/system-wide). It wouldn't have to if the fixer saw #!/usr/bin/node or similar but I can live with that.

Still fiddling with patchbay... since there it's started with npm start from the repo root, there is no /bin in the resulting derivation.. starting it from the /lib in the drv results in electron: not found.. I think if there was a /bin script with electron as the hashbang it might get patched and just work(TM).. to be continued

I pushed my new attempted to the upstream branch of ssb4nix in %xmIvmWj...

@cryptix %WtUdtTsGo7cuZ5BwX8I2jwZGUeIsQ5hxxUcLbizALCk=.sha256

I managed to make an nixpkgs overlay with some packages that I'm working on. You can think of it like a ubuntu PPA. I'm mostly using this as a testbed before making PRs for the main nixpkgs repo. Once I figured it out totally, I think I should be able to publish it as an ssb-site, also.

@cel %vSgYQngENYGRdwF/dl0Gg8sp9WxEcJTVRVJIP98nZxM=.sha256

@clacke ah, ok, that should supercede the patch in %AgoDQbW... i think. cc @cryptix

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