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@cel %o2QMfO9OxQXNE50bVbJKINAAEL0gOfq6B/FItimRw1k=.sha256
Re: %bXON0NojK


@cel So is ssb-ooo a mechanism for a blobs-like replication of individual messages?


Unknown integrity string: sha256-/xm5O/jeBb6n6mvwXSa6RiJirWPVAPX+Eu9bGnF14HM=

I'm not sure what to do about that... I think the string is a valid SSRI string.

but looks like you got it working in %1fxInGT... maybe?


ssb-npm's shasum strings are compatible only with npm 5 and up.

It should work with npm < 5, as it detects those versions to give them a sha1 (by fetching the tarball to calculate the shasum on-the-fly, or using the sha1 that newer ssb-npm-registry versions include in the publish message); if not, that is a bug.


the message id is the key of the npm publish for that package (in your example case patchfoo), right?


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@cryptix %EszhglcIp3bKhzQwxKijgVG9fED0QDGkLPTmxEgfz6Q=.sha256

@cel I also took your patch and PRed it to node2nix but the maintianer doesn't seem to be so excited..

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