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@farewellutopia %HJDkClk6Q/qkuLGwYvTNrKiNwV0oJmRNu6IkURzL7OU=.sha256


The encyclopedia on Scuttlebutt that replicates and extends #wikipedia


A pub that follows wikipedia pages. The feed it follows contain the list of patches for the wiki-page of a subject. The pub names the followed pages in its own feed after their subject. A scuttlepedia-pub is called complete if it follows all wikipedia pages. It is called bidirectional if it also publishes changes to wikipedia that appear in the feeds of selected users.


An SSB client optimized for looking up Scuttlepedia Entries by collecting patches about a subject within the existing reach of the user as well as from feeds named after the subject to following the feed made available by a Scuttlepedia-Pub. If there are unresolved conflicts in the history of the page the user is presented with the different versions. The user can resolve such conflicts as well as edit the entry.

A silly idea or something for which there's a long thread from 2017?

Of course, @cel already implemented most of it with ssb-wikimedia.

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