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@Dominic %IOkhjB9SG855SHSJI6BWN14t3G1zFi5LpzcL+ujDIgo=.sha256
Re: %MFz9sYrdX

@mikey I disagree that actually worked, being flagged just annoyed that guy more, but he eventually got bored and went away.

Another problem with the pw-classic user flag thing is that the options where hardcoded, and didn't fit well. graabin wasn't really doing abuse (making people feel unsafe) he was more getting on every thread and making it be about his own pet topic (which happened to be paranoid conspiracy theories), but when he was flagged as "abuse" he could claim an injustice against him.

The original blocking code was more about stopping them from seeing your messages, because that was the hard, interesting part. In practice, a simple mute would probably be better.

Incidentially, @mixmix has recently been working on a filter for patchbay (for decluttering rather than filtering content, but same problem really)

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