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@mix %J9PVdLMhf/TD8KyrBsJihhfH8Ar4DVpYtubBy+IdOMM=.sha256
Re: %HJTzjmTcr

hey @cryptix the question "what is Local" was one I raised. We know what it is in the code right now, but I was trying to dig for what it means or should mean. Is it about whether something should be prioritised? If it is, then shouldn't it be a priority property? I'm thinking towards a future where there could be several ways for a peer to be "local" wifi, bluetooth, a direct webrtc connection?

With the list for how to reconnect, that is literally the simplest stupedest algorithm that piet could implement. I suggested starting stupid because it's quick and can be improved.
The focus of the conversation we were having was "get it all connected in a simple way". Worth knowing that Piet's style is to go kind of wide and thorough, so the connection-manager is well built, but I think it's time to plug it in before going wider again!

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