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@cel %JB7GoEW9QxuP6DDNPpMKA7oX23RWZVJty9VTANlZO7Q=.sha256


Get a SSB message from scuttlebot's flumedb on your filesystem. Reads log.offset and (flumeview-hashtable) from ~/.ssb/flume and ~/.ssb/ooo. It does not connect to scuttlebot RPC or do network operations.


wget -qO ssbget.c 'http://localhost:8989/blobs/get/&BovbI2zpAJnrAwQvrb3GAkN9JzBSn6pPvwDO6w/I4ks=.sha256'
cc ssbget.c -o ssbget
mv ssbget ~/.local/bin/ # or somewhere


ssbget <msg_id>

Environmental variables ssb_path or ssb_appname may be used to specify a different base directory than ~/.ssb.


$ ssbget %HsB1YeYB0SmURYjm4WMLMKjlyBVsU26VarolJ1VhTr8=.sha256

#flume #cli #sbot

@kas %GfluD6Gu99Ac3gqhfKK1C29j9Cvv95pdQczN4CvMsPg=.sha256

Nice. I like! :heart_eyes:

@Dominic %d4sj8pIFyTdwSPcEIDJCJ2P59ZMrn7UlqUjql5WZ5Zw=.sha256

@cel This looks great!

One comment though, I know c isn't really about camel case, but if do ssb_get it's easy to do a 1:1 map in both directions... I bet if things are consistent it will be easy to convert this into bindings, or something.

@Dominic %m3yFfETZn8JfvPnQcckD7doqaIqcKGi0rdbVy3GqbSE=.sha256

Aha, see you are doing an in-place read of json the json key - the "key" property, which conveniently happens to be the first key. I've also been wondering how fast reading json in place would be - not parsing into a data structure, just scanning past, validating, until you find the thing you were looking for.

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