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@mix %LDwk63uv7nviyHXOLgpyAhJSV9LdY1WjGW5xtN9bGgw=.sha256
Re: %7UI9SSbi4

@🌒 noffle 🌒 the streams are live when you're near the top or bottom of the page and the tab is in focus. Handled by mutant-scroll
Could def do with some work,

Memory use in patchbay needs attention. I only recently discovered you need to close all streams ....

The /posts view is very much a work in progress. Good news is anyone can make another page - i.e. it's not like there's a canonical "feed". Check out e.g. /public or /postRank. Also, I'd welcome people forking and improving what I've made (as in forking the page). This one was an experiment in live updating and have def learned good and bad from it. Turns out not everything should always live update and sometimes it's easier and less surprising to get a user to manually hit something like "TOP" which actually just re-renders the whole lot (this is kinda what patchwork does)

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