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@dan %LQFjiI+6iEc55epXr9YBlox7NtJ+FqEevehqMf6PCd8=.sha256
Re: %fFAQ35yxX

@kieran I love the pathways and agree that it's worthwhile to spend some time on the design this time round - we have time and knotches on our belt.

I also love the Pathways approach and feel this to be congruent with the trajectory towards the "Choose Your Own Adventure" Path. It is playful and yet serves the function to reduce mis-clicks.Great thinking.

I have pulled out each of the Pathways into their own threads so we can avoid a mess of a megathread.

These can be found:

Perhaps we can use this thread that we are in now to speak about the Meta Level Thinking of Pathways etc and then leave specific comments about individual pathways in their specific threads :)

cc: @mix @kieran-two @peg

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