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@Jacob %M71Q50DhLUfLVtjgd1u+qt7xUGjD3zztHcy4u5Q6a8Y=.sha256
Re: %dJPISeaVj

@abekonge.too Patchwork should be considered to be in maintenance mode. It's really hard to add stuff to it/improve it.

@Christian Bundy %uIMcqdAa4S5dSvdh40cG3lFr75YOLSRSMJf6u5X5HP8=.sha256


at this point I think it's hardly even maintained, I've been neglecting it and after this PR I think I'm officially passing the baton to folks who have time/energy/interest for experiments

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@Jacob %s9SXvJCWkeBqSE1Op1hS+Bv3VKjYGFOdAw4F/ulMzAw=.sha256

@abekonge.too Yeah so Patchwork is pretty much unmaintained like Christian said. At the same time it's the client I'm using on my computer still and the one I recommend for new users, because Oasis is still missing some features like gatherings and creating PMs (and Manyverse desktop doesn't exist yet but hopefully will next year). The state of ssb on desktop is pretty bad, I don't think most people on here are aware of that.

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@Jacob %vz9YvUfD19uz8tVMl+vD9xqs/+2JXa+CrZDcV6zsivU=.sha256

@Henning Jacobs Yeah I think most people are and that's fine for now. We just should be aware that it is a ship that's starting to sink and we need to build a new boat.

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